Thursday, April 16, 2009

Curbside Caper

When driving up our street to the very end, this wall is what greets you as you turn right, onto the next street. Well... on Monday morning I was heading the opposite way, to zip home for my lunch break. As I neared this wall, I noticed that it was completely COVERED with graffiti(in red and blue) from top to bottom, side to side! :( I also saw that one of my neighbors was out there with a spray bottle of some sort, and a rag, which looked pretty pitiful for tackling such a big problem! I stopped and talked to him and then continued on home to take care of my dog for a bit, grab a bite to eat and then head back to work...Bill was still there plugging away! When I drove home about three hours later I was pleasantly surprised to see the wall graffiti-less!!! Bill had used his sand-blaster and power-washer to do the dirty work, and work it did! It took him 4 hours!!! The photo above is the end result:) I stopped and gave him a double thumbs-up! This was the first graffiti I had ever noticed in this neighborhood, and I hope the last! Good job, Bill!!!
Later in the evening Jim and I took these cookies to Bill as a small token of our great appreciation for all his hours of work to clean up our neighborhood! He seemed to be very happy to get the cookies and the THANKS!!!

1 comment:

Lois Sparks said...

that was very nice of him!