Thursday, December 11, 2008


I ordered this little custom piece of artwork from Jessie of fame.
Her artwork features "Cuppie" her signature little pink cupcake:)
It is only fitting that my granchildren are depicted as cupcakes because they are so SWEET! Even grandchild number five(due in June) is included as the "bun(cupcake) in the oven." :) Baking sweets with my sweeties! Aren't they cute?


Summer and family said...

Very cute...especially like the bun n the oven!

Digital Zone said...

Very nice blog.
Unique and beautiful pictures.

Please visit:

Keep blogging.
Happy holidays.

Lois Sparks said...

I like her artwork. It's so cute! :) And the bun in the oven still remains anonymous! Hehehe...